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Towards a National Opt-in Policy

On this side (Western) of the Atlantic Ocean, personal information is monitized and sold/rented with little regard for the privacy of the real owner of that information. Data brokers, banks, insurance companies, mortgage companies, universities, web sites, social networks, and merchants — to name a few — provide your personal information to their “affiliates” and customers, for money or other consideration, without your knowledge or permission. In some instances, you can opt-out, but it’s your responsibility to figure out how to do this. If a particular organization allows you to opt-out, you are on your own to contact each and every one of the “affiliates” to whom they have provided your information, to opt-out from them as well — if the “affiliates” allow you to do so at all. If you think that the playing field is tilted in favor of those who profit by selling your personal information, you are correct. It’s all about the money.

If you believe that your privacy should be yours, and not a commodity to be bought and sold, contact your elected officials. Tell them that you demand a national opt-in policy, where you are in control of how and when your personal information is used. It needs to be all about your privacy, not about the money.

Craig Herberg

Posted in Privacy.

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7 Responses

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  1. Jenita says

    A good many vaulbales you’ve given me.

  2. Affinity says

    I was so cfonseud about what to buy, but this makes it understandable.

  3. Micheal says

    Geez, that’s uneblievblae. Kudos and such.

Continuing the Discussion

  1. superdrupermegapuper54321 linked to this post on July 21, 2009

    Very usefull info. Thanks!…

  2. payday linked to this post on July 22, 2009

    Very usefull.

  3. B. V. linked to this post on August 4, 2009

    Very usefull. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous linked to this post on September 4, 2009

    Very usefull. Thanks!